
Wanna make a building?
Don't make a boring one. Build the biggest of all castles!


Project puzzles and platformers!
Be creative and make everything alive and colorful


Create structures and terrains!
The Argila modelling system got you covered!


Mind the Imagination!
Make things that people will love


The legendary Founder emblem
waits for you in your account! Every account created with a purchased access key in the pre-alpha will receive this badge after the beta release!


A Blokoins starter pack
You will be able to purchase avatars, models, cosmetics and all types on game content in the future!


Be part of Blokoto's journey and test this thing!
Be one of the first to experience and shape Blokoto's history! Plus, you'll be able to brag that you were a fan before it was cool.


Make the INKnight happy! (or less stressed)
Maintaining a website, a game, social media accounts, and a Discord server are already challenging tasks. Balancing all this while trying to live a normal 20-year-old life? Let's say it's crazy. But, someone has to do it. And that someone is me. #LivingTheDream
If you love Blokoto as much as I love creating it, consider buying the access key below. Your support will help keep the game alive and thriving. If you prefer to play for free or cannot contribute, click here to join the waitlist for a free key.
Thank you for your support and for being part of the Blokoto community!